Portable interactive exhibits

Each protective case contains one exhibit. Setup may require a few easy steps. The open lid doubles as holder for A3 instruction panels.

Visitors are challenged to arrange eight shapes to form a rectangle and at the same time consider that no two pieces of the same color are next to each other. This is a simplified version of Stomachion, probably created by Archimdes of Syracuse 2200 years ago.
Visitors solve the following puzzle: „You have a crate that is 6 holes wide by 4 holes deep. You have 18 bottles. You have to put an even number of bottles into every row and column.“
Visitors take one of the transparent tubes and gently mix the pebbles inside, shake the tube vigorously and compare the resulting mixture to the other tubes. Depending on the mixture of objects, they notice that the largest and probably heaviest particles rise to the top.
Visitors squeeze the bottle and observe the „diver“ inside the bottle sink to the bottom. On closer examination, visitors see the air bubble inside the diver glass tube being squeezed smaller before it sinks.
Visitors are challenged to solve the handshaking problem: „In a room of n people, how many different handshakes are possible?“. They find a graphical solution of all combinations using rubber bands. They also can test the handshaking lemma: „In a party of people some of whom shake hands, the number of people who shake an odd number of other people's hands is even.“
Visitors adjust the brightness of three overlapping LED disks - each colored red, green and blue. In the intersections of two or tree disks the colors are mixed and the addition of colors is visible. When each color is at the same level of brightness, the center appears white.
Visitors touch different materials with two electrodes. If they touch a conductor, a signal sounds and they can read the current on a meter. One material is wire with a high resistance, so visitors can read the changes in current.
Visitors find out how many possible floor patterns are possible when tiling „rooms“ that are 1 „tile-lengths“ wide and between 1 to 5 „tile-widths“ long. The solution should be: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 – which looks like a part of the Fibonacci series.
Visitors try to draw simple shapes or write their own name to look „normal“ in a cylindrical mirror. Even with the guiding lines on the drawing board, it is very difficult do draw a straight line, circles are even more challenging.
Visitors are challenged to fit all the dominoes into the upper recessed area so that the dots in the vertical columns add up to 2 and the dominoes in the bottom row add up to 8.
Visitors use transparent miniature tanks to observe how different liquids like water and oil compare to granular materials like sand when drained. Everyone knows running water, the oil stream looks different and sand will flow until the remaining cone reaches the angle of repose.
Visitors press the diaphragm of the device at their necks directly on the wind tube and speak with a hoarse voice. The vibration of the vocal folds are picked up, amplified and a „robotlike“ voice quality is produced.
Visitors use a small periscope to find the hidden object in the scenery. As a game, one visitor arranges the covers and hides the toy figure out of direct line of sight, the other uses his optical tricks to look around things.
Visitors press their hands onto a temperature sensitive film and see their hand prints disappear at different speeds, depending on the material under the film. Heat is conducted into the environment at different rates. Electrical conductors like copper are also good heat conductors.
Visitors create a voltaic cell by poking one zinc nail and one copper wire into each end of a lemon. The zinc nail will become the „−“ or negative terminal of the battery (also called the anode) and the copper wire will become the „+“ or positive terminal of the battery (also called the cathode).
Visitors are challenged to put the matchsticks together to make an original figure. There are many puzzles to solve.
Visitors use a metal detector to analyze the provided test pieces or their own objects. The detector produces a magnetic field that is distorted by metallic objects, the electric signal is converted into sound: the closer the detector is to metal, the louder the sound.
Visitors try and trace the outline of a maze pattern while looking into a mirror and forcing their hand to follow the mirror image pattern. A tone beeps when the pen moves outside of the pattern’s outline. This is a challenge that disturb the lateralization of brain functions.
Visitors play with various objects, made from clear plastics, under a viewer and observe striking colors and photoelasticity effects when they move and bend the objects. The polarized viewer on top only allow light vibrating horizontally to pass through, the light box emits vertically polarized light.
Visitors try to fit together five pieces either to make the one big square or the other two squares which are drawn around the triangle. They find out that this only works for right triangles.
Visitors attach tubes of different length at the flanges of fixed pipe elbows and create sounds by tapping the ends with rubber „flip-flops“. The shorter the tube, the higher the pitch of the sound produced.
Visitors fit the supplied blocks together to make an arch. When their construction is finished, they put a one kilogram weight on top of the keystone to test the arches strength. Arches are stable without glue or screws since the 2nd millennium BC.
Visitors test the relationship between grain size and hole size at different transparent cylinders filled with a mixture of materials. Only when the right mesh size is chosen, a sieve can separate different materials
Visitors speak or blow a whistle into a microphone and observe the resulting curve on a screen. The waveform changes with volume, distance to the microphone and the pitch of the sounds.